Super Flight Planner is flight planning software for Microsoft Flight Simulator. It is compatible with FS2000-FS2002-FS2004 versions. It is very powerful and functional software. This program allows to make realistic flight tasks, to find necessary beacons for navigation and much more, and then you can import this plans directly into your Flight Simulator. Super Flight Planner is provided with a lot of tools, moving maps, zooming and projecting capabilities, and so on. With its SFP Calculator you can calculate distance and course between points, altitude, velocity, radius and rate of turn, conversion. Besides, it includes aircraft database, where you can choose the airplane you want. It can read Flight Simulator scenery base and make its own database from these files. It has also import and export tools. So, it can import flight plans from the following applications: Flight Simulator GPS, Radar Contact, LevelD 767. You can create your flight plan manually with or without autorouting, or use Flight plan wizard. It is usually used to create simple plans. Map layering feature, and DP and Star procedures are also included.
There is database of 20000 DP-Star. In addition, you can change colours of maps, navaid colours, and interface themes. Note, that to download this program you should register on the developer's web site.